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trolled hard

Stop wasting damage Greeks D;

6 Day 713, 10:42 Published in Greece Greece

with all that damage we could secure NW Croatia and Slovania 🙁

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Just under 2 hours left in the fight for Croatia

4 Day 713, 10:00 Published in USA USA

Help em out bitches.

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So. Much.Fail.

10 Day 712, 20:33 Published in Serbia Serbia more »

Why can't Press Directors check how many subs they have? :/

10 Day 712, 20:06 Published in USA USA

Peanut butter Jelly tiem

I probably have like 4 but still it would be an invaluable tool for knowing how many subscribers you have instead of asking your readers to tell how many subs you have. Speaking of which how many do i have? >___>

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Log on eRep, see this. What do?!?!

4 Day 712, 19:28 Published in Canada Canada

I dont know if youve been paying attention but there are battles and stuff going on.

Croatia, one of the top members of EDEN is in the middle of a 3-woman one-man foursome. And one of those bitches brought a strap-on(eHungary). eSerbia and some

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