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Response - Dignity Brigade Leaving

24 Day 2,286, 14:24 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Lets face facts: There is a terrorist MU in this country, and I am not afraid to name them. The Lazocracy Movement is a far cry from what the founding members had in mind. They are tyrants that want nothing more than to eat away at the Social Fabric

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[Ministry of Security] - Congressionals

9 Day 2,285, 14:38 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

It is that time of the month again (no, the other type of time)

If you are interested in running for congress - Please either run for the Independent Alternative or Union of Patriots. These are NOT the only legitimate parties in South Africa, but

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Voting Brigade - Sign up for eSA

20 Day 2,281, 13:54 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

For eSouth Africa to succeed without the constant worry of PTO, we need to be united. We also need to be coordinated and orginised.

Today the Ministry of Security has opened application to the … read more »

PP Election - Vote Smart [MoS] Updated

12 Day 2,278, 15:05 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

UPDATE: All parties have a PTO candidate. Players who have received orders, should follow their current orders. Vote as late as you can.

The Ministry of Security would like to request that all citizens

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MoS is Recruiting

16 Day 2,270, 18:11 Published in South Africa South Africa Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In order to have a successful, effective Ministry of Security, we need to be well staffed. At the moment the Ministry is looking for the following positions to be fille😛

1 - Deputy Minister of Security
2 - Directer of the National Intelligence

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