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[BS] ABAI, bye bye!

52 Day 1,689, 15:29 Published in Brazil Brazil Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Olá, brasileiros!

Aos que já me conhecem neste grande país chamado eBrasil e aos que não me conhecem, gostaria de dizer uma coisa bem simples, que não muda absolutamente nada para muitos de nós, … read more »


32 Day 1,684, 13:36 Published in Poland Poland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I would like to inform my polish friends that this article is for my brazilian readers.

Caros amigos,

Com todo esse problema acontecendo no eBrasil, a farsa do impeachment, CP que não … read more »


79 Day 1,682, 11:35 Published in Poland Poland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I would like to inform my polish friends that this article is for my brazilian readers.

Olá, brasileiros!

Como todos sabem, no fim-de-semana rolou uma crise política no Brasil, depois … read more »

[CO] The Most Valuable Resource

7 Day 1,681, 16:14 Published in Poland Poland Financial business Financial business

Hi, guys!

We have 10 different resources ingame: 5 for food production (Fish, Fruits, Grain, Cattle and Deer) and 5 for weapon production (Iron, Aluminum, Oil, Saltpeter and Rubber).

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[CO] Who Cares About You?

11 Day 1,680, 14:07 Published in Poland Poland Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi, guys!

I was doing some research on google to know how much people care about countries, based on their relevance or not. I must say, the results didn't surprise me...

[img]http://a.[/img] … read more »