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[BS] eHalloween Great Idea

34 Day 1,805, 09:53 Published in Brazil Brazil Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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[BS] TOP 5 do eBrasil (jan/2010 a out/2012)

25 Day 1,801, 08:44 Published in Brazil Brazil Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Olá, pessoal!

Fiz uma listagem de todos os partidos presentes no TOP 5 durante as eleições do congresso, desde janeiro de 2010 até o atual mês de outubro de 2012.

[img][/img] … read more »

[BS] Contratos: Valem a Pena?

12 Day 1,795, 08:05 Published in Brazil Brazil Financial business Financial business

Um abraço,
vigon. … read more »

[BS] O Pacto do Porto, 2 meses depois

29 Day 1,794, 11:24 Published in Brazil Brazil Warfare analysis Warfare analysis


Para quem não se lembra, há exatos 65 dias, durante meu mandato, o governo brasileiro tentou intermediar uma aproximação entre Portugal e Espanha, com dois objetivos bem concretos:

1. Trazer benefícios econômicos para a Espanha.
2. … read more »

Real Land

60 Day 1,792, 15:38 Published in Brazil Brazil Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi guys,

I'm off the main decisions of my country nowadays, coz I think we have pretty capable citizens to do so, but I just wanna see some balance between what my friend aVie wrote and what we think is the reality of all debates we all had in

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