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Thank you for your subscription, and help on my way to the Media Mogul medal!
D4411 550 subs! 56 articles so far :)
D4488 1k subs reached! Ty all!

PM with the title 'BH' - Positive article no. 4 :)

43 Day 4,030, 17:21 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi all!
I want to share with you a nice thing that happened to me on eRep 😉
2 days ago while I was searching for some air battle to rank myself up / help to someone with this little dmg I can do (currently I'm lvl 32, strength 298.50), I clicked

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Pozitivan članak 3 :) - NBC club :)

52 Day 4,028, 08:48 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This article is specially for those who say I talk too much 😘
(and to start - and not finish as I thought at first - my 1st article in the 3 of 3 25comments mission)

NBC club ftw 🙂


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Pozitivan članak 2 :) - ovaj put za ozbiljno trebam komentare :)

73 Day 4,027, 20:43 Published in Croatia Croatia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Ok, danas je misija 100 prijatelja ispunjena - i dobila sam novu - otvoriti novine.. I to već ranije jesam OK.. idemo dalje.. skoči sada da moram članak napisati! Kažem sama sebi, nema problema - i to jesam.. ima i komentare preko 25 različitih

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Pozitivan članak 1 :)

61 Day 4,020, 07:40 Published in Croatia Croatia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Pozdrav svim eGrađankama i eGrađanima čije oči će ovo vidjeti!

Nakon prvih tjedan dana dojmovi se lagano sliježu, pa je vrijeme i da napišem prvi članak i predstavim se 😉

Za eRepublik sam čula nedavno, vidjela sam par članaka od par eGrađana :

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