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Come on in, pull up a chair.
Sit down at the 'ol General Store.
Take a load off and relax.
Have a laugh, maybe two.
Catch up on the latest load of bull.
I'll even let ya have a free pickle!

I would like to ask for your help.

16 Day 1,419, 23:42 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

This PM is for all my friends, forgive me if you are unaware of this situation. I would ask that even citizens not of the eUSA post to the following article in support of my … read more »

Pickle's Patriots

12 Day 1,417, 14:10 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Hi kids!

Alright, I have to do this sometime, might as well be now. So that no one is disappointed I will get the obligatory attention getter out of the way and then we … read more »

Pickle Bets A Few Dollars On The POTUS Race

13 Day 1,415, 12:02 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi kids!

The following is a reprint of a comment I made to Pizza The Putz II's [url= more »

PTH Name Contest Winners

13 Day 1,413, 18:47 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi kids!

I gotta be honest, with a 10 gold 1st prize I expected more of a turnout. But it was fun anyhow. And a surprise guest appearance by the man himself! To review [ … read more »

Attention All Pizza Watchers!

38 Day 1,407, 20:39 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi kids!

Well, it finally happened. Pizza got banned.

[img][/img]read more »