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Come on in, pull up a chair.
Sit down at the 'ol General Store.
Take a load off and relax.
Have a laugh, maybe two.
Catch up on the latest load of bull.
I'll even let ya have a free pickle!

Let The Sunshine In

27 Day 1,894, 18:29 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hi kids!

Ya know, I've rethought my position about govt. secrecy. After rereading what [url= more »

Our Preator For Congress

9 Day 1,889, 16:19 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Written by: Thedillpickl (under duress)

Greetings Citizens!

Every great 'Take over the galaxy' plan has a starting point. What better place than Congress! : … read more »

[SQRT] The New Order

37 Day 1,884, 19:05 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Written by: Thedillpickl (under duress)

Greetings Citizens!

ATTENTION: It is the Praetor's order that you play this [url= more »

[NEW] Craigslist of eRepublik

7 Day 1,882, 12:07 Published in USA USA Financial business Financial business

Hi kids!

This is a reprint of an interesting article. Normally I wouldn't have a lot of enthusiasm for such things, however [url= more »

About Politics

58 Day 1,871, 20:58 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi kids!

No pics, no music, don't even need page breaks for this one.

Mazzy is a friend of mine. That does not mean someone I've friended in game with a click. Not … read more »