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Moo on Invasion day 7

24 Day 1,102, 03:09 Published in Ireland Ireland

I had good Holiday yesterday and I hope anyone else who celebrates it did too, for those who had to work or go to school, haha. If you think I am all over the place as a CP you should see me cooking, Mrs Moo has retaken the kitchen and will not

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Moo on Invasion Day 6

23 Day 1,101, 01:18 Published in Ireland Ireland

Today is thanksgiving and I am what seems like the only person who celebrates it in Ireland in real life. Thanksgiving is a total mystery to real life Irish. They can not understand a holiday where you just eat a meal. Going to make todays

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MOO on Invasion update day 5

14 Day 1,100, 01:24 Published in Ireland Ireland

Some days recently we have had more war then we had in months past. Yesterday when I opened the page on the world active battles, Ireland was directly in 4 of the 10 on the first page. We have been doing great and I would like to thank everyone

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Moo War update day 4

13 Day 1,099, 04:08 Published in Ireland Ireland

What happened yesterday
Yesterday we regained the SE. A lot of soldiers did a great job but the last battle was classic. With the war 7-6 James Keiller went up against our friend Thatcher. James put up a mind boggling 172K in damage to … read more »

Moo War Update Day 3

17 Day 1,098, 11:24 Published in Ireland Ireland

What happened yesterday?
We started yesterday with battles in Cork, Shannon, NE, and SE. There is an old Irish saying I like “keep your powder Dry”. Think it started in years of British occupation of our country in real life. It … read more »