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How to make Ireland massively popular for immigrants

17 Day 2,103, 03:00 Published in Ireland Ireland Financial business Financial business

Ireland is a small country we have an active population of roughly 200 players.
So this is my plan to make Ireland MASSIVELY POPULAR

1. Never fight in any wars- hey half of us is the children of hippies (not me) so why hide our upbringing.

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Disturbing Trends: A look at the Society of United Irishmen

26 Day 2,096, 15:20 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

We know that the society is chiefly comprised of Irishmen that left for England and joined forces there with the English to wipe Ireland hence the Society of Ire Men.

Ire means … read more »

The Other Reasons Why Malbekh shouldnt have been appointed Spartan

4 Day 2,096, 13:52 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Alas main reason is he is a total douche....

But that is not why he shouldn't be appointed Spartan apparently position 3 in the army.

The Other Reasons I think is:

1. There are other players who didnt leave the Army and has been loyal to

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First National Bank of eIreland

1 Day 2,095, 02:56 Published in Ireland Ireland Financial business Financial business

Recently Appleman said in response to Kurgan : Not all the money in the orgz belong to our government some belong to in his own words"rich patriots" who loaned us the money.

But … read more »

On day one Plato created.......

23 Day 2,093, 13:59 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The World but the world was empty and there was no people in this world.....So Plato said onto the Internet join now and you will be entertained........And so it was

On Day Two Plato created Krakken because Plato said but there can only be one

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