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eIndonesia Thanks and Respect you :)

59 Day 4,294, 03:40 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hello, to our eIndonesian fellow and other eRepublik players.

From the deepest part of my heart, i would like to thank all of you and also give you all of my respect for those eIndonesian out
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eIndonesia Official Statement [CODE - Asteria War]

132 Day 4,283, 21:59 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hello our fellow eIndonesian and our fellow eCitizens from another countries.
Along with the publication of this newspaper, eIndonesia wants to emphasize about what happened recently.

Understanding … read more »

[LPJ] Juli - Agustus 2019

5 Day 4,276, 00:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Selamat Subuh, Pagi, Siang, Sore, Malam bagi kalian yang membaca laporan ini.

1 Bulan telah berlalu dengan sangat cepat, yang pasti kebersamaan kita akan selalu berlanjut sampai selama-lamanya #eaak

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20 Day 4,245, 11:58 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Salam damai untuk kita semua

Tanpa terasa sudah satu bulan lamanya saya diberi kepercayaan untuk menjadi Presiden eIndonesia. Terima kasih untuk semuanya.

Berikut LPJ … read more »


31 Day 4,222, 21:17 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Shalom aleichem...
Salam damai untuk kita semua

tanpa terasa sudah satu minggu sejak pemilihan presiden berakhir, saya mohon maaf atas keterlambatan update berita dan … read more »