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Kolozst jelölöm az eMagyarságért díjra

22 Day 843, 03:29 Published in Hungary Hungary

The Headless Chicken
--- totem animal of the eRepublik ---

Eddig kétszer jelöltem az eMagyarságért read more »

Orosz rulett magyar módra? Ne!

17 Day 842, 23:21 Published in Hungary Hungary

The Headless Chicken
--- totem animal of the eRepublik ---

Nin Tsen read more »

Helycsere az élen - Poland Nr. 1, Hungary Nr. 2

30 Day 839, 23:16 Published in Hungary Hungary

The Headless Chicken
--- totem animal of the eRepublik ---


Ahogy azt [url= more »

Intervenció hirtelen felindulásból, avagy az állam aranymentesítése

28 Day 838, 08:59 Published in Hungary Hungary

The Headless Chicken
--- totem animal of the eRepublik ---

(For my foreign readers: this article is about a highly questionable move of the new … read more »

[CRISIS] Abszolút nulla fok - The Absolute Zero

19 Day 838, 04:40 Published in Hungary Hungary

The Headless Chicken
--- totem animal of the eRepublik ---

[ENGLISH VERSION … read more »