Resetting the prime directive: Vader reboots Arjay

Day 2,060, 12:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Remember Arjay in the beginning in the first article he got the prime directive place 1 Hot Brunette in each article.

krakken the primordial overlord of the sea sat in his sea hut below the ocean he enjoyed the hot brunnette that the prime directive brought.

Everything was fine in the eCountry there was happy swishing of tails. Krakken even played with his seapets tossing his sea sharkies and dolphies in the air so that they splashed happily back in the sea. but Oh No No this was not enough the prime directive was disobeyed instead of seeing a hot brunette in each article he saw a wall of text and NOT SEXY pics like this.

he heard about some eLove for some eChicisheeta.

He saw walls of text he didnt see hot brunette he saw no trolling what was going on was Arjay under the influence of some spell.

Finally he could not take it anymore and summoned Vader , Kurgan and that Sid fellow


Quickly they descended on Arjay to break him from the evil influences of chickiesheetas.

They subjected him to endless sessions of brain rebooting and we are finally able to announce that the prime directive will continue:

Here is some pics to makes up for the break in transmission:

Here is Arjay first article after the reboot:

woot woot