2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - L'Hospital Rules

Day 855, 07:26 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is wellness.

As I'm sure we all know by now, the admins changed the hospital rules a few days ago. To review the new rule: The Hospital can only heal us for damage incurred in a battle on the same day we visit. It will not heal battle damage done yesterday, and will not heal for wellness lost elsewhere.

This means three things:

1. No more Berzerking. Gone, forgotten, delegated to the ashheaps of eRepublik history. A year from now we'll tell the new kids in the game about Berzerking and they'll roll their eyes like when I tell my kids about rotary phones. See, if we fight 10 today and heal 5, then fight 1 tomorrow, we CANNOT HEAL 5 TOMORROW.

2. No using the hospital to make up for overtime. Many players work at a high Q company, buy cheap food and sleep on the streets, and their start-of-day wellness slowly drifts down from 100 to 90. When they approach 90, they fight 4 times and heal 5. Not anymore!

3. No using the hospital to make up for jetlag. Using a Q1 Moving Ticket costs 2 wellness points. After a couple of moves (or 8 a week like the poor Army guys!), our wellness drifts down. We then fight 4 and heal 5. Not anymore!

So ... "that sucks, professor 2-clicker, but what do I do?"

Managing Wellness 101

Here are 5 things you can do to keep your wellness up:

1. Don't berzerk. The only time you want to fight more than 5 is if you buy Wellness Packs. At 2 Gold a pop, only Max McFarland 2 and capitalist pigs can buy those regularly.

2. Buy higher Q food. Except for first week players, I see NO REASON to ever buy Q1 food again. The market is gone, kaput. (Check the market ... .27 dollars!) Buy Q3 or higher if you can.

3. Change jobs to a lower Q company. You lose 5 wellness points a day working a Q5 company, but only 3 working a Q3 company.

4. Buy a house. A big house! I don't see a Q1 house being useful at all. I bought a Q5 house a few weeks ago and it's the best investment I ever made.

5. Use gifts. This has the advantage of not needing heavy math. If my wellness is 93 in the morning, ... let's see .. 100-93 ... ummm ... L'Hôpital's eRule says I need 7!

"Cool ... what are gifts and how do I use them?"

Easy, but it takes two to tango.

Each Q1 gift gives one wellness point. You can buy them on the market. If you look at a friend's profile (like me), you can &quot😉onate" or "Offer a gift". When you donate, the item you donate is transferred from your backpack to theirs. When you Offer a Gift, the gift in your pack is removed and your friend's wellness is increased by 1.

You can't gift yourself, so you need an org, buddy, or one of your multis. You can buy a gift, DONATE it to a friend, and ask your friend to GIFT it back to you. (I wrote about the benefits of owning an org in a previous article.)

Economics: As anybody who knows me already knows, I'm no economics whiz. But I bet this rule change is leading to booms in the Gift, Food, and Housing industries. (But NOT in Q1 food, those are useless.) Time to start a company?

The Army is especially impacted by this change. Troops travel a lot, incurring jetlag, their salaries are low so they can't buy houses and food, and the nation needs them fighting at maximum wellness. The Army already builds most of its own guns through its own companies. Perhaps it's time for the Army to invest in a Q3 MT company, a Gift company, or a Q5 food company.

I hope these tactics help. Please shout this out to all your younger friends in the game so they can learn how to manage their wellness.

Zheng He
Freekin' Field Marshal

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