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VLKR's newspaper.

如果我們最後拿下了遼寧, 謹記要感謝...

7 Dan 1,049, 00:29 Objavljen vChina China

謹記要感謝毛子們在遠東區捨身的輸出, 他們對 ec 以德報怨, 實在令我們的遼寧戰事倍感輕鬆


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你玩遊戲? 遊戲玩你!

8 Dan 1,046, 09:49 Objavljen vChina China

無頭雞的行為愈來愈怪異, 不斷的朝令夕改, 除了吸金之外牠還有別的點子嗎?

Are you playing game?
The game is playing you!!! … preberi več »

Suggestion to Admin. Seriously.

103 Dan 1,038, 18:36 Objavljen vChina China

Adding eTaiwan as a country? Admin, YOU ARE STUPID?

In terms of game play, this action will touch the nerves of the RL Chinese government (to be more … preberi več »

[廣東話][广东话][Cantonese] 無頭雞你痴_左線呀?

20 Dan 1,029, 18:22 Objavljen vChina China

之前我train緊producer, 你先黎同我轉?
早知係咁我唔train d 低skill野啦你鹵味, 日日加得勁少 skill point...
朝令夕改, 我點_信你呀無頭雞, 你玩晒啦!!
我地十幾萬人做你 beta tester? 仲要俾錢做 beta testing??
你冇頭o者, 連腦都冇埋?
onlun79短賓周, 食屎啦你!!


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Humble advices to eSerbia

19 Dan 1,021, 21:11 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

This is not a trolling article, just my personal sharing of the events happened today.

I'm from eChina, and we are very happy in helping one of our best friends eCroatia in liberating Slavonia from your control. However, we are so sorry to see

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