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The official newspaper of the UK MoD.

Daily orders are posted here - check back regularly!

[MoD] Orders for Day 808-809 - Defend Upper Normandy

17 Dan 807, 18:13 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

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[MoD] Orders for Day 808-809 - Defend South East of England

27 Dan 806, 18:14 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

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[MoD] Orders for Day 806 - Defend South East of England

23 Dan 805, 07:12 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

The UK is at war and needs your help

Defend South East of England

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[MoD] Orders for Day 805 - Defend Scotland

67 Dan 803, 23:47 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

The UK is at war and needs your help

Defend Scotland!

Ignore all other battles for now.
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[MoD] Orders for Day 803/04 - Fight in Scotland

11 Dan 802, 18:49 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

The UK is at war and needs your help!

1. Fight in Norway until the wall is 500K.

2. [url=http://www.
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