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Where to Fight (Day 647/648)

4 Dan 647, 14:05 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

Citizens of Ireland,

As is becoming a theme for The True Voice of Reason, important information for the citizens of Ireland will be conveyed through this paper. In line with yesterday's article about moving to the Northeast of Ireland to take

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Have You Heard the News?

13 Dan 647, 06:49 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

Citizens of Ireland,

For two weeks, Ireland has had a new forum. It is infinitely better than those of days past because it is privately hosted and, therefore, stable. No need to worry about the forum

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Why Haven't You Moved to the Northeast?

37 Dan 646, 09:34 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

Citizens of Ireland,

Ireland's involvement in the Lithuanian War Games has sparked new activity on this Emerald Isle. I see new citizens beginning to speak up for the first time and the largest class of freshmen Teachtaí Dála in a long time. The

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Stanwick on the Issues

12 Dan 643, 08:28 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

Tomorrow is the Congressional election day, my first in Ireland. The mechanics are a little different than I am used to, with multiple candidates from each party able to run in each region. It is fascinating to observe how the election module works

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Clearing the Air...

24 Dan 640, 21:46 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

This series of questions was asked by Donovan Thomas on the Irish forum. I have done my best to answer them. I apologize for the length of the article, but ask that you take the time to read it through.

1)Are you constantly wronged by others

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