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With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

Occupation under the USA, Dictatorship Mechanic, Fahrenheit

13 Dan 2,653, 11:35 Objavljen vCzech Republic Czech Republic Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

To my fellow Czechs and free citizens:

As you know, congressional elections are coming up and we still only have our one region. … preberi več »

The Shenanigans and Resulting Procedures

8 Dan 2,646, 00:16 Objavljen vCzech Republic Czech Republic Ukazi bitke Ukazi bitke

After a little bit of communication and me getting distracted with Europa Universalis for 12 hours straight, America has started … preberi več »

Northern Bohemia RW

4 Dan 2,642, 14:41 Objavljen vUSA USA Ukazi bitke Ukazi bitke

Hello, my fellow Americans.

For those who don't know me, I' … preberi več »

Northern Bohemia RW

6 Dan 2,642, 11:04 Objavljen vCzech Republic Czech Republic Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Go go go fighting!
We've got this one guys and gals!


Edit: The … preberi več »

The deal with these resistance wars

2 Dan 2,639, 11:26 Objavljen vCzech Republic Czech Republic Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

I should have posted this earlier, though I figured I had alerted most active players of this news already; once the USA closes … preberi več »