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Covering news, personalities, and events of interest!

[Trolololympics] So You Think You Can Troll?

124 Dan 2,514, 07:21 Objavljen vCanada Canada Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

I have decided to host the first ever Trolololympics in Canada. The contest is open to members of any nation, but only one person per nation will participate in the tournament. If one more than one … preberi več »

[Canada] Politics, Division, and Unity!

31 Dan 2,512, 08:14 Objavljen vCanada Canada Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

As we saw yesterday Canada is clearly divided politically. This is good for us as a nation as it provides an interesting distraction from an otherwise boring game politically. I … preberi več »

Most hated eCanadian?

124 Dan 2,511, 11:39 Objavljen vCanada Canada Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Recently I have been thinking about who eCanadians dislike the most in this country. While I figure I'm on the list, I'm not quite sure if I would lose[/preberi več »

[Rylde-DMV3] Foreign Affairs Brain Trust!

42 Dan 2,510, 17:00 Objavljen vCanada Canada Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

There has been a lot of talk during this campaign about Foreign Affairs. I believe we have assembled the perfect team for this transition period. As a group our … preberi več »

[DMV3] A Glimpse of the Future!

17 Dan 2,508, 20:35 Objavljen vCanada Canada Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Canadian Flag at the top of the world!

The goal when I announced for CP was to provide eCanada with a clear Foreign Affairs vision of the future. … preberi več »