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Opinions of a Wizard Who Is on His quest to defeat darkness

Official Congress Candidates in ePakistan

12 Dan 887, 11:33 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

This is the Official List of Candidates Dont Vote Anyone else

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everyone in Jamat e Islami other then pak_land is PTOer (Dont vote for cash at all costs) also dont
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[Presidential Address]Return of Dio, Congress and Military Developments

16 Dan 885, 11:16 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

** Live from Presidential Palace Islamabad**

My honorable Citizen, I am once again addressing you on recent developments in the Country. I know the surprise … preberi več »

Vote Yes for Welcome Message

5 Dan 883, 20:08 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

Ignore the ugliness it is a erepublik bug vote yes. Welcome message pm will look like this

Welcome to ePakistan,
Pakistan is one of the most prestigious countries in the New World and we welcome you to be a part of our … preberi več »

[Presidential Address] Past, Present and The Future

10 Dan 880, 13:06 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

** Live from Presidential Palace Islamabad**

My Fellow Citizens my Friends and People of Pakistan,

Today I would like to talk about progress of Pakistan's … preberi več »

Voting Instructions !!!

3 Dan 877, 13:43 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

Dear Pakistani Citizens,

Like every month Party Elections are once again on us and like every time PTOers are using their cheating ways to take our seats. First Advice Vote wisely.

It will be not wise to Vote for someone who is unopposed. i.

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