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The official newspaper of the eUnited States Mobile Infantry

Extended Deployment

20 Dan 1,362, 09:46 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Dateline Psczwkyrldcjieczk (formerly Portland), Maine, Poland
1100 Zulu

Pole Land

Major Spamgobbler here with a little field report … preberi več »

A Farewell to Arms

20 Dan 1,328, 19:57 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Battle Cry 22

A Farewell to Arms

...and legs and heads, but really mostly just fingers. Restful fingers, that is. Or maybe I should just call it "A Farewell to tsewell". Too alliterative?

Today's Battle Cry is dedicated to our recently

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New Blood For an Old Branch

33 Dan 1,295, 20:14 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Today's Battle Cry is an interview long overdue. First, however, we must bid a fond farewell to another MI Commanding Officer, General tsewell (Ret.). After many months of shepherding

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Reports From The Practice Field

25 Dan 1,274, 20:26 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Time for more MI War Games!!!

That's right, in addition to being the baddest bunch of bug-killing, pie-eating patriots this side of the Delta Quadrant, the eUS Mobile Infantry isn't content to sit around waiting for war to come to us. … preberi več »

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

18 Dan 1,243, 19:45 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

This week’s Battle Cry is brought to you by

It was somewhat of a rough week here in the eUnited States, what with ONE rolling around like … preberi več »