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8 Dan 2,094, 16:40 Objavljen vSaudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hey everyone.

First of all, I’d like to announce that eSaudi Arabia has finished 6th in the National Shield tournament. That’s a pretty good position, and we got the Q7 shield as a reward (only the Top 10 countries got it), as well as 1900 Gold.

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5 Dan 2,089, 05:28 Objavljen vSaudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Hey everyone.

Here we have two important announcements. The first one is that another Resistance War has been started in Ha’il, and we need to win this one! It’s a Swap, which means that both the eIsraelis and the eSaudis are fighting for eSaudi

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eSaudi Arabia - eIsrael Arrangement [National Shield Tournament]

19 Dan 2,086, 15:04 Objavljen vSaudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Hey guys.

This is a short article about an important announcement. As you might probably guess, it’s about the National Shield tournament. This is a new (inter)national tournament in which all eRepublik countries are participating, with all of

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I am back!

41 Dan 2,084, 10:25 Objavljen vSaudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Hey everyone...

What’s up? I haven’t written an article in a long time, mostly due to my real-life responsibilities (I’ll tell you more about that soon, wait). I decided to stop using “article make-up”, i.e. underlined, italic and bold letters, ‘

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صوتوا لحازم٩٥

13 Dan 2,002, 14:33 Objavljen vSaudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

معلومات عن المرشح:

الإسم: Hazem95

رابط الحساب:http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4722863

المنصب الحكومية حاليا: نائب الرئي … preberi več »