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Newspaper of eIsrael.

Political Module, "The Official Changes"

10 Dan 1,767, 01:26 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Political Module, "The Official Changes"

Starting with the Congress elections of September 25, 2012, the citizens will vote for a Party instead of voting a citizen from a specific party.

- The members of the … preberi več »

Shame from a former MoI

13 Dan 1,763, 09:06 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Dear freinds 3 months ago i left the MoI....we had a budget there really nice, that it was made mostly from donations.

When i left the Ministry i made the transfer of the money to the new MoI, GAVASH.


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LAST eIDF Division 4 - Weekly Statics 1748 / 1754

9 Dan 1,755, 05:51 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Weekly Statics - eIDF DIV 4 - Iron Dome - 1748 / 1754

[img]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/1111/[/img] … preberi več »

eIDF Division 4 - Weekly Statics 1740 / 1746

8 Dan 1,747, 22:59 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Weekly Statics - eIDF DIV 4 - Iron Dome - 1740 / 1746

[img]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/1111/[/img] … preberi več »

Congress DONATIONS Update August 2012

10 Dan 1,746, 05:17 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hi to Everyone!. Let me tell you that be congressmen in eIsrael is more than a "just", it's an obligation and an Honor to be part of the Kneset of eIsrael. Each is always advisable to donate the 5 GOLD of the medal to the state....you could ask me

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