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New Term's simple Foreign Affairs.

17 Dan 1,264, 16:18 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Howdy eIrish man and women, how are you doing today ?

My name is Paschoall, I'll be MoFA this term and today I'll try to point out some goals for preberi več »

New Term's simple Foreign Affairs.

22 Dan 1,055, 02:55 Objavljen vNew Zealand New Zealand Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Howdy eIrish man and women, how are you doing today ?

My name is Paschoall, I'll be MoFA this term and today I'll try to point out some goals for preberi več »

Ambassador report - The List

3 Dan 1,029, 10:29 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

The following is the list of ambassadors:




Australia-Mossey Hayes


UK-Conway Twitty


Germany-Connor O'Farrell

Bolivia-Anthony Colby

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Ambassador Report 2 ; Apply now 2

9 Dan 1,026, 05:31 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

Dear eIreland citizens,

It has come to my attention that my previous article was largely unread. Which is why I am re-writing it. . To apply for any ambassadorial position contact me, seanlynch or the Irish froeign affairs ministry. The 3

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Ambassador Report ; Apply Now

1 Dan 1,025, 12:39 Objavljen vIreland Ireland

What an ambassador does?
An ambassador is the link between the Irish Government and a country's government and people. To apply for a ministry message me.
REPORT 1 ; The first report which must be complied is about the country's stat's. Like

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