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ePolish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

[from PL] Good hunting, Spain

81 Dan 912, 06:59 Objavljen vSpain Spain

Hi Bros,

The most important news of the day:

Rhone Alps has been secured by Spain
Aquitane has been secured by Spain

Wonderful fight from both Spain and the
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ePolish Government's statement on the Pol-Hun relations

80 Dan 907, 12:24 Objavljen vHungary Hungary


As you may have noticed, peace proposal between Hungary and Poland (probably the only one which has been negotiated by both govts, from all three recent PPs you were voting), went down.

As can be read in an article written by

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[MSZ] Podsumowanie akcji aPTO

30 Dan 898, 17:49 Objavljen vPoland Poland


Przepraszam za brak info wczoraj; urwali mi od Internetu na cały dzień 😛.

Polska i aPTO

Zgodnie z zapowiedziami, piątego maja br., czyli przedwczoraj, przeprowadziliśmy trzy duże akcje aPTO pod wspó
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[MSZ] Kandydaci aPTO w wyborach prezydenckich maj 2010

25 Dan 896, 04:22 Objavljen vPoland Poland

We ask all EDEN citizens able to vote in any of the countries mentioned below to strictly follow the voting instructions!


Jutro wybory prezydenckie, więc dziś puszczam arta przychylając się do próśb tych z was, którzy posiadają
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Congratulations from ePoland!

94 Dan 891, 09:42 Objavljen vChina China

Hello, China,

On behalf of ePolish government and all Poles playing eR, I would like to congratulate you for getting your region preberi več »