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I closed GDF army for Georgian union power

13 Dan 3,887, 04:33 Objavljen vGeorgia Georgia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

ჩვენი პრიორიტეტია საქართველოსთვის

our priority is for Georgia

Before 9 days

I announced our founding our new army to be active : Georgian Dynamic Force

But unfortunately GDF / Georgian Dynamic

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erepublik-as-an-imperialistic-racing-gam e

22 Dan 3,880, 07:45 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

My dear friends and
eRepublik managers who always tell us that they will serve and develop for eRepublik players
we support eRepublik as much as we can.
we have tried to lose our hopes stubbornly from this game by taking our package to the extent

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1 Dan 3,880, 03:56 Objavljen vTurkey Turkey Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

My dear friends and
eRepublik managers who always tell us that they will serve and develop for eRepublik players
we support eRepublik as much as we can.
we have tried to lose our hopes stubbornly from this game by taking our package to the extent

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closing GDF

15 Dan 3,874, 01:27 Objavljen vGeorgia Georgia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Let us defend eGeorgia and let us save all of regions of eGeorgia

I close my army and join to Georgian Warriors

Before 9 days

I announced our founding our new army to be active :
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7 Dan 3,847, 03:07 Objavljen vGeorgia Georgia Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava


I Joined to Georgia♥ to serve & defend & work for Greater Georgia

I have been in eTurkey , eSerbia , eMakedonia , eIsrael , eSerbia , eCuba , eCzech … preberi več »