Okolje ON/OFF

The day in the life of a Deputy Minister.

33 Dan 1,204, 02:49 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

I stumbled out of the Department of Education, who had just taken in there new batch of Koalas, Hawks and Devils to train, and turn them into eAustralia’s most lethal fighting force. I can see why Venja, Sam Cougar, Lion and Lord Ferrum where

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Definitely not a Senate article..

14 Dan 1,192, 01:01 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

LOL JKs, here is another Senate article

I, Callumh123 will be running for Senate, under the GnG banner for the state of Northern Territory.



Current Deputy of Defence (Though, admittedly not a lot of … preberi več »

Larni Vs SC the Pros and Cons

15 Dan 1,170, 22:58 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

Larni Kaddlestorm


-Larni is a well known member of the community
-Larni is experienced in key fields such as Defence and Foreign Affairs.
-Larni has EDEN contacts in high places
-Larni is a very active citizen

CONS[/preberi več »

Well this is boring

22 Dan 1,169, 21:47 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

(Omg an actual article from Callumh123, be amazed)

Every month, usually 7 days before the 5th we always find out the people who have shown intent for the running of Country President. This new month however, the trend has not happened. My

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How to be an elite

39 Dan 1,139, 22:35 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

*NOTE* I am only making this article because i am insanely bored and in my mind i find it funny... DON'T JUDGE ME.

What is an "Elite"?

An "Elite" is any citizen of erepublik from any political party who publicly disagrees with … preberi več »