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A quick look at Day 1860

3 Dan 1,860, 03:46 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Its been awhile...

Like many of you, The 1600 Index has noticed that the economic model of eRepublik no longer works. Prices has depressed to the point where selling good to buy gold in order to improve one's station in the game is nearly

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Weekly Market Report - bonus reduction aint all that bad.

15 Dan 1,755, 05:54 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

The eUSA bonus gets trimmed to 80%/80%, raw materials tumble, and profits return.

Weapon raw materials tumble 35% for the week, falling to .13 by mid-week and then holding steady … preberi več »

Weekly Market Report - simple week: everything drops

18 Dan 1,748, 05:44 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Short report: Everything drops.
Long report: Everything drops in price.

Weapon raw materials soften over the week, losing .03cc. Food raw materials gain a cent and the Raw preberi več »

Weekly Market Report - Trying to find the bottom. And failing.

15 Dan 1,741, 05:05 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

As the rocket mission buzz starts to fade, the markets once again settle into the predictable: slumping prices, indifference to all things food-related, and flat wages. But, hey! Q7 … preberi več »

WMR - Good news: gold down 15%. Bad news: you still can't afford it

21 Dan 1,726, 05:58 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Another tumultuous week in the eRep economy. Wages tumbled past US$100, Q1-Q3 for food and weapons saw massive price pullbacks, food raw materials double (again), gold continues its … preberi več »