The IRL cause of the Romanian-Hungarian war

Day 464, 12:55 Published in Indonesia Hungary by HUN-Cimbye

I would like to inform my Indonesian friends about the IRL problems wich was the real cause of this war.

You can see on the map, a romanian region called Transylvania. This region originally belongs to Hungary, and Romanians occupied it in 1918. From this date Hungarians are the most hated in Transylvania (about 1.6 million Hungarians live there IRL).

Also you can see on the map "Slovakia" wich is IRL originally Hungarian region (Slovakia was founded in 1993 LOL 😃), because of this reoccupied this territory in the Hungarian-Czech war.

Croatia belonged IRL to Hungary until 1920 (thats is why they are in ATLANTIS)

Burgenland (now Austria) was IRL Hungarian land until 1920

Vojdvina (now Serbia) was IRL Hungarian land until 1920

And these regions belonged to Hungary from the begining of the IRL Kingdom of Hungary from 896 to 1920.

The story of stealing these regions from Hungary (especially Romania):

Trianon Diktate

Was imposed against the wishes of Hungarians, and without any justification, as it was based on Romanian lies and propaganda.

- Transylvania, Eastern Hungary and part of Banat to Romania (31.4😵

- Southern Hungary Bacska (Vojvodina) and the rest of Banat to Yugoslavia (19.5😵

- Northern Highlands (Slovakia) and Carpathian Ruthenia to Czechoslovakia (19.2😵

- The Burgenland region to Austria

- Other small territories to Italy and Poland

- 63% of her population, and half of the Hungarian speaking population

- 1.5 million of these 3.5 million Hungarians were living right along the new borders.

- Cities of almost pure Hungarian population

- Irreplaceable historical monuments, cultural artifacts, churches, and educational and cultural institutions

- 90% of her natural resources, including

- 88% of timber

- 63% of arable land

- 65% of navigable water

- 95% of water power

- Fiume, a port city which was Hungary?s only outlet to sea

- 56% of industrial plants

- 85% of iron

- all gold and silver mines

- all salt deposits

- Hungary's army was limited to 35 000 volunteers. The navy and air force were disbanded.

- Reparations had to be pai😛 one part by May, 1921, the rest in 66 semiannual installments. - Hungary's livestock and coal was given away to her successor states.

- In comparison, Germany lost only 13% of her land, and Bulgaria, 8%.

The TREATY OF TRIANON was one of the cruelest, most absurd treaties ever, and the greatest tragedy in Hungary's 1000 year history.

The Romanians claimed that Transylvania rightfully belonged to their country, because, according to the theory of the Daco-Roman continuity, the ancestors of the Rumanians -Roman colonists- had been living in Transylvania from 106 BC to 275 AD However, the theory is not supported by history. Not only is there no archeological proof -remnants of roads or cities- pointing to the existence of a Daco-Roman civilization in Transylvania, but the Rumanians can?t bring evidence to their existence for almost a thousand years: from 275 AD to 1200, when their appearance in Transylvania is first mentioned. They ignored the fact that they had adopted the Latin alphabet only at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century, and have been called Wallachians by themselves and other nations prior to 1861.(Sisa, 214) Even without historical basis, the theory of Daco-Roman continuity proved extremely useful for political and propaganda purposes.

The Allied Powers didn't have much reason to reward Romania for its actions during World War I. It officially declared war on the Central Powers only in August 1916, during the great Russian offensive in which Russia broke through the Carpathian mountains. Romania therefore figured it would gain something without taking a great risk, by fighting alongside Russia. After three months of fighting it withdrew from war, because its capital, Bucharest had been occupied, and signed a separate peace treaty with the Central Powers, despite its promise not to do so. The other Allied Powers felt Romania could have held out longer, tying down some of the German and Austro-Hungarian troops. Despite these facts, the Allied Powers were quite willing to give Romania most of the land it coveted, as this would also ruin Hungary.

The Allied Powers most likely wouldn't have rewarded Romania with so much of Hungary's land if the Rumanian delegates had provided them with true information about the ethnographic situation in Transylvania. When asked how many Hungarians would be subjected to foreign rule if Transylvania was given to Rumania, they declared it would be around one million, although at least twice as many Hungarians were living in the area at that time. Bratianu managed to convince the Allies that the 1910 Hungarian census, which showed Transylvania's population as 44.7% Rumanian and 40.6 % Hungarian, was entirely false. After numerous "complicated calculations", he presented the Allied Powers the "actual data", which stated that 60.9 % of Transylvania's population was Rumanian, while only 24.5 % was Hungarian. In the same manner, he showed towns with almost pure Hungarian population as barely having any Hungarians. When the negotiations were over, Lloyd George even admitted that "at the time of the peace-negotiations we have been supplied from certain quarters with false data and it was upon the basis of this false data we decided of frontiers and races."