For there was movement at the station!

Day 2,771, 18:48 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around
That the ARP was risible
And had joined the dark colourspray - another party they had found,
So all the cranks were visible.
All the veteran and noted players from units near and far
Have collected at the party overnight,
For the Euros love hard fighting where the weapon bonuses are,
And the old warhorses see the coming election with "delight".

My most humble apologies for murdering Banjo Patterson. At least I stopped after 1 verse...

If you care for politics and the coming election, please, pay attention to who you are voting for this week.

Many thanks to Merovingiano for the fancy-pants linebreak. Cheers dude, you're awesome!