[Mittekemuis]Question hour

Day 1,474, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

In this next little article I will focus on answering your questions. I like the fact that Alfagrem is asking valid question and I would like to ecourage you all to do the same. I am not God all mighty so I may not have all answers for you but I will try and answer them to the best of my ability.

[Alfagrem]1. Would you entertain 'face-to-face' talks with the Irish?

Of course I would talk personally with the Irish. I am all for dialogue always even when I may not be willing to engage in peace-talks it never hurts to talk...

[Alfagrem]2. If so - what peace terms would you be looking for?

If I ever would negotiate peace I would go for both having our own regions. No region renting because there will always be people who are going to mess it up.

[Alfagrem]1. Would you open up the supply of RM's to the army to private tenders?

No, why should I do that? I figure that every independed MU has its own structure of making supplies for their members.

[Alfagrem]2. How would you compel other MU's to co-ordinate with the national chain of command?

By organising weekly meetings in the first place. All MU commanders must have the chance to voice their opinion on a short and long-term vision on how to do things.

[Alfagrem]3. What are your thoughts or opinions on governement subsidies for private MU's?

I think that from the moment that independent MUs get State funding they have to tolerate government interference. I also think most of the party MU rather do their own thing even thou they also fight for the same country we all love.

I see for the future of the independent MU a chance to deploy them in various ONE and proONE battles.
Say for example a medium high priorty in ONE we could send a medium strong independent MU to. A high priority fight we could combine Special-forces with a high influence independent MU.
I terms of payment I would say if we are talking UK battles they can ofc comme and claim supplies in the Strike-channel. I would rather see Brits getting axtra tanks for hitting then we have to depend on foreign MUs.


Read these and ask away




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