[95 Year Old Prostitute Delivers 10th Child...]

Day 467, 10:45 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Yeah so did you hear about the non-existent 95 year old prostitute who gave birth to her non-existent 10th child?

Yeah so clearly that was a joke....

\\Awkward lulz//


[What I really wanted to talk about]
Anyway I wanted to bring something to the attention of the American people as this has deeply disturbed me.

Donovanator is a true right-wing neo-conservative wack job.

On the eUS forums yesterday, Donovanator posted a topic calling for separatism and partisanship within our great nation's Congress. For those of you who have not seen this, I encourage you to visit the topic (as it is a short one) here.

For those of you too lazy to actually go and read this thread, let me highlight a few quotes:


We have gained a good part of congressional seats. We have actually taken these seats from the USWP. This is fine example of how America is getting tired of these liberals. I want to set up a right-winged movement to shift the views of the American people from the Liberal side and shift it in on to our side.

I want to make sure that ALL Conservatives in Congress do not cooperate with the PANEC plan and vote against the high taxes.......make sure that we explain how this is a bad impact on the economy and make sure that we back it up with truth not theories. We need to talk to the other right-sided congress members and explain how high-taxes, entitlement spending (such as "MOW") will not help the state of the economy and make our armies better....


I also want to set up a CVP Media attack week.......basically we let our top 7 newspaper writers write about anything CVP supportive, and anti -Liberal (plz offer to do so.) I am also up to suggestions to help ourselves speak up because basically it seems that we are too quite and are a silent majority.

We need to spark a conservative movement. We need to tell these liberals that they don't control congress anymore (they had 10% approval rating and they think that they know what's best for America) and that we want things done the RIGHT(sided) way. MAKE SURE THAT WE GET OTHER PARTY's Congressman to get on our side.


Well my reasoning why high taxes don't hurt is quite simple and it relates to the in game mechanics. Think I work 30 days in a row in real life ooh employee of the month!!! My picture on the wall. I work 30 days in a row in the game I get 5 gold, hell ya! Thats roughly 300 dollars which is a little more than the average monthly salary of a month at $9.01 times 30. And this relates to taxes how you ask? Well that average person is taxed about $54.30 in a month when they work ever day and they get nearly 552% of that back at the end of the month for working every day. Or in other terms the 20% tax is practically only 10% for the average worker who works every day.

Right there is a big difference in taxation between RL and ER, in RL any income that I earn is taxed at the income tax rate however in ER for the worker only wages are taxed not all sources of income. This simple difference allows the average man to earn back 552% of what he/she pays in taxes simply by being active in the game.


well well. Now Im arrogant. And I take it that Im not to smart either, thank you for clearing that up for me.

"Guys ... it's not cool to come onto CVP turf and piss on their carpet. Sure everyone does it to us" Thank you scrab. Im by the way not one that comes into your turf and pisses on your carpet.

Panther you are probably one of the most disrespectful little jack offs Ive ever had the pleasure to meet. I get a lot of this bullshit about read what was said and beleive me i do. Your just the little punk ass that beleives that you know it all already and you try to defend that by telling me and others as if we where all just a bunch of dumb asses that we should read it again. I can read it a 100 times and it still says the same shit.

Perhaps you people should begin to pratice what you are preaching, this is a game and this is my charactor. Nothing personal, just a persona. So get that through your little head and stop with all the bullshit. I dont jump into your area and spot off crap about how you are wrong because i beleive that you can think what ever the hell you want to think and i can disagree with it.

Now you can go ahead and act up once again.

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Most of you are thinking... well if all that is true who do we believe?

I'll tell you, go research PANEC and the different committees who worked on this COMPROMISE and look at their research and conclusions. There's too much there to explain in this article, which has already become a wall of text. (PANEC, for those of you who DON'T already know stands for : Publius Ananias NoneSuch Economic Compromise... Publius (Libs), Ananias (USWP), NoneSuch (UIP)... 2 conservatives and 1 liberal... sounds super liberal right there)

As you can see Donovanator arguing, he is saying that all we "liberals" want to do with PANEC is use the money raised with the taxes to go to war with the world... if anyone takes this seriously, I defy you to talk to any "liberal" and see exactly what they think.

Meals on Wheels
Am I the only person who has heard of this program started by Uncle Sam, President of the United States?

Well I would hope not...

This program needs money, where anyone expects the US government to get that money, besides from taxes, baffles me.

I would say that if we were to have operated on the taxes we had before, we would probably be bankrupting our nation with this program. With higher taxes we will be helping our young and struggling new citizens with the cost of food.

Conservative Principles?
That's all they are using to argue this separatist movement in Congress. PRINCIPLES!

Sure they can say I don't argue with any principles, but they're wrong. I have said from the start that any plan that will benefit our country and has concrete proof behind it, I will support with great emphasis.

PANEC has a wide range of NUMERICAL and MATHEMATICAL evidence backing it. On real life principles, I would normally decry these taxes, but let's look at where we are.... WE ARE IN A... (wait for it).... GAME!!!!

How many people is this really hurting? And who really? The people who get paid lots of money in their jobs like, oh I don't know, Donovanator!

If you make 2 USD, you're losing .40 USD per day. If you're making 20 USD a day, you'll be losing 4 USD a day. Can you see why Donovanator is railing against this? (Beware that I don't know his actual salary.)

[But why would I write this article?]
No I am not attacking the conservatives.

I actually have compassion for their ignorance (take note of what compassion means: suffering with).

Simply, I am disappointed
I was a part of the independent congressional committee that put together a list of 51 candidates that we believed would be best for Congress. I don't remember who Dononvanator ran against or why they ended up endorsing him or her, but I remember fighting for Dononvanator's endorsement and feeling upset when I didn't secure it for him.

There is a false sense that Congress is disconnected from the American people. I do not see any merit in this, but with someone as seemingly intelligent and "in touch" I thought he would be a perfect candidate for congress.

Clearly I was wrong. This is my main reason for writing this article. I am writing this to apologize for backing the wrong candidate.