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[WAR] Global Orders - Day 1283 - 8:00

7 День 1,282, 03:16 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Боевые приказы Боевые приказы

This kind of articles tries to summarize the official orders from different countries. I have a small list of countries in the beginning, but I will extend it if the interest will grow. Any feedback is welcome. For each alliance I do not make a

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[WAR] Global Orders - Day 1280 - 8:00

9 День 1,280, 07:42 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Боевые приказы Боевые приказы

This kind of articles tries to summarize the official orders from different countries. I have a small list of countries in the beginning, but I will extend it if the interest will grow. Any feedback is welcome.

I will write an article at every

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[Politics] Running for congress in Oltenia

16 День 1,278, 15:07 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

First of all, I apologizes to my subscribers of my useful articles (if I still have any). Because I am talking about elections for Romanian Congress I will switch to Romanian.

Urmatorul paragraf este despre mita, daca aveti alergie la ea … Подробнее »

[WAR] Global Orders - Day 1276 - 8:00

2 День 1,275, 03:22 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Боевые приказы Боевые приказы

This kind of articles tries to summarize the official orders from different countries. I have a small list of countries in the beginning, but I will extend it if the interest will grow. Any feedback is welcome.

I will write an article at every

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[Game improvements] Military academy - Gold company - Raw materials companies

3 День 1,273, 23:41 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

I just read an article with an interview with George Lemnaru and one of his answers made me to remember one of the ideas I had some days

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