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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

[DoD] October Term - Budget, plans and Peru

14 День 3,247, 02:52 Опубликовано в стране Australia Australia Военная аналитика Военная аналитика

Hello all,
I'm writing this as the new Minister of Defence, it's just the short introduction with our plans and strategy to achieve them. … Подробнее »

DoD Orders [Day 3,245] Battle of Tasmania

2 День 3,245, 09:12 Опубликовано в стране Australia Australia Боевые приказы Боевые приказы

Battle of Tasmania


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above 55% watch & wait.
> Fight RWs for True Patriot & Freedom Fighter … Подробнее »

DoD Orders [Day 3,244 Updated 19:00]

1 День 3,243, 13:09 Опубликовано в стране Australia Australia Боевые приказы Боевые приказы

Organize a resistance war in Western Australia


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above … Подробнее »

DoD Orders [Day 3,243 Updated04:45]

3 День 3,241, 08:59 Опубликовано в стране Australia Australia Боевые приказы Боевые приказы

Organize a resistance war in Victoria.


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above 55% … Подробнее »

DoD Orders [Day 3,240 Updated 09:14]

4 День 3,239, 08:09 Опубликовано в стране Australia Australia Боевые приказы Боевые приказы


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above 55% watch & wait.

We're doing well Australia, keep it up!

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