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Van de Turkse naar de Belgische volkeren

3 Ziua 809, 02:28 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

De Turkse en de Belgische volkeren moeten een eenheid vormen. Met deze eenheid moeten er blijvende vriendschappen gemaakt en onoverwinnelijke twee staten gericht worden. Daarom moeten mijn Turkse vrienden en de Belgen zo snel mogelijk een

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von Türkische Leute zu Deutschen

9 Ziua 809, 02:27 Publicat în Germany Germany

Liebste Deutsche Leute,

Die Türkisch und Deutsche Menschen gehen zusammen die Phoenix ansteigen.
Lebhaft den Türkisch-Deutsch Bruderschaft.

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From Turkish people to the Britishs

4 Ziua 809, 02:25 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Dear British people, first, have a good day.

We, the Turkish people support you in your war against USA, Sweden and Canada. Your war, is also the war of Turkish people. Turks and Britian will gain the Phoenix great victories. We're with you to

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From Turkish to Russian people

10 Ziua 809, 02:16 Publicat în Russia Russia

Dear Russian people
Turkey and Russia will always be solidary to each other. This solidarity will last as long as possible under the Phoenix. I'm talking to our Russian friends. We will always fight for the Russian and Turkish people.
Long live

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Uluslararası Veriler ve eTürkiye'nin eDünya'daki Yeri

10 Ziua 808, 02:22 Publicat în Turkey Turkey

eTürkiye halkına iyi günler diliyorum.

Bugün uluslarası birkaç istatistiği sizlerle paylaşacağım. Uluslararası arenada birkaç açıdan eTürkiye'nin, müttefiklerimizin ve karşı cephedekilerin durumları.

Ülkelerin Nüfusları

1. Polonya =

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