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Globe Trotter - Season 4

13 Ziua 3,318, 10:18 Publicat în Romania Romania Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Overview Globe Trotter - Season 4

Hi everyone! I will post few pictures (2 per country) from the last 11 countries I visited. Feel free to bring back nice memories from these articles if you want.
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Hi, Colombia! - Picture Contest - No participants, contest canceled!

21 Ziua 3,317, 14:36 Publicat în Colombia Colombia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Hola Colombia!

I received no pictures about Colombia from the players. I will write directly the Globe Trotter article but most probable only tomorrow.


Many thanks to Maykol 16 who … citește în continuare »

Globe Trotter in France

19 Ziua 3,316, 13:56 Publicat în France France Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

France, the world’s most visited country is blessed with stunning landscape comprising of Alpine mountains, beautiful meadows, farms, rivers … citește în continuare »

France's Picture Contest - The winner is adeodat1234

31 Ziua 3,313, 10:42 Publicat în France France Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

The winner of the Picture Contest is adeodat1234 with 5. Le Mont-Saint-Michel and a crushing number of vote points: 43
The next picture 6. Annecy came also from him with 17 vote points. The rest of pictures got less than 10 vote points each.


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Hi, France! - Enter the picture contest and you can win 500CC

23 Ziua 3,311, 12:48 Publicat în France France Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Bonjour France!

Many thanks to AlphaMFPEFM_Z who helped me to get very fast the citizenship in France.

I have the feeling that I've got into a robotic mode writing these Hi articles so I would try to make them a little … citește în continuare »