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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

War Pig?

30 Ziua 786, 20:19 Publicat în USA USA

eRepublik Crowd Polling

For some strange reason this song calls to me... I was trolling through YouTube and came across various covers and though that this would be a good thing … citește în continuare »

Mensch List - First Award Jan. 9, 2010

44 Ziua 781, 10:59 Publicat în USA USA

The Mensch List

There are many people in the eUS who toil away on a daily basis without much accolade. They don't do it for resume padding, their hard work is the fruit of a … citește în continuare »

Thank You, Woxan and Ligtreb

15 Ziua 778, 08:51 Publicat în USA USA

Country President Elections

A hearty thank you to Woxan and Ligtreb for the kind words in their concession articles. They can be found [url=ște în continuare »


60 Ziua 776, 09:39 Publicat în USA USA

A Little Perspective is Obviously Needed

I had an interesting weekend. Coincidentally, so did many of you...

O Piz, PiZ Oh Wherefor Art Though, citește în continuare »

eUS Forum back online!

27 Ziua 771, 21:44 Publicat în USA USA

I am pleased to announce that the eUS forum is back up and running. Some features are currently disabled but all of the content and structure should be there.

Things missing (that I've … citește în continuare »