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Please Welcome a New Citizen

5 Ziua 3,987, 16:50 Publicat în Switzerland Switzerland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The Minister of Education is over joyed to announce a new citizen. We have a new citizen thanks to dan quijote, His Honorable Governor of eSwiss. The new citizen is Omnissiah. Welcome. We … citește în continuare »

True Patriot Awards #2

11 Ziua 3,985, 19:20 Publicat în Switzerland Switzerland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The winner of this week's Patriot Award is The Tourist. In behalf of myself and that of our glorious eNation, I thank you for your extraordinary efforts to protect the homeland.

The … citește în continuare »

True Patriot Awards

11 Ziua 3,978, 10:29 Publicat în Switzerland Switzerland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Good Morning Everyone.

It is with great happiness that Tef1 announces his intention to start a new award / giveaway. It is called the True Patriot Awards. It will be given every week on Thursdays. The winner of the prize will be the True Patriot

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Guide to the new world

11 Ziua 3,976, 20:33 Publicat în Switzerland Switzerland Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

First thing is first. Welcome to the new world. So what does this world offer you, you asked? Here are a partial answer.

There are CCs. This is Plato's version of cash. Gold are more valuable.

You can buy food, buy a house or start a

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Asking for constructive criticism

7 Ziua 3,966, 11:43 Publicat în Switzerland Switzerland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

It has been a while. Sorry for disappearing. That wont happen again. Below, please consider saying anything you want to Tef1 as he is coming back to the new world after a few weeks of break. Welcome him back, tell him what to improve upon, citește în continuare »