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A paper that stands up for the interests of the hard worker. Proud supporter of the eUK's Workers' Rights Party and its military unit the Free British Irregulars.

Where liberty is, there is my country

5 Ziua 1,726, 06:36 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

For the eUK, her allies and neutral nations join Liberty and the 8th regiment.


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Liberty, the 8th and the Kraken

4 Ziua 1,715, 13:54 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

I'd like to invite you to join the Liberty Military Unit and consider joining the 8th regiment.


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WRP - Trust of the People

8 Ziua 1,705, 02:35 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

We all make choices. But in the end, our choices make us.

I’d like you to make the choice to join the Workers’ Rights Party, while joining a smaller party might … citește în continuare »


1 Ziua 1,698, 01:27 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

1) Are you happy with the current state of the eUK?

If Yes, that's great, no need to read further.
If No , move to the next question.

2) Are you party of a political party

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New Logo for the WRP and call for new members

4 Ziua 1,692, 09:38 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The New Logo for the Party

Looking to join a political party in the eUK? Why not join the [url= … citește în continuare »