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Anthony Decides to Open Up a Challenge with the AFP!

10 Ziua 3,112, 16:13 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP's leader Anthony have said to us this afternoon that he has decided to open up a challenge with the AFP(its arch-rival) to see if eArmenians can trust the ALP or the ruling AFP. This comes after several of the ALP's members resigned from the

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Anthony Asks eArmenians to Unite and to Destroy Iran and the AFP

20 Ziua 3,111, 12:20 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP's leader Anthony have said to us that he encourages eArmenians to the ALP and to unite in destroying Iran because he believes that Iran is destroying the lives of many eArmenians and that the almost-collapsing government of eArmenia only

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(BOMBSHELL) ALP Isn't Listed in the Top 5 in Today's Congress Elections!

24 Ziua 3,109, 04:12 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

the ALP's leader, Anthony have announced today that his party isn't listed in the top 5 in today's congress elections because ALP has only 9 members and that the ALP will continue improving next month by encouraging eArmenians to join the ALP so

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eArmenians Encouraged to Vote for ALP in Congress Tomorrow!

4 Ziua 3,108, 12:53 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

the ALP's leader, Anthony have announced this morning that eArmenians will be encouraged to vote for the ALP in tomorrow's congress elections so that he and his party can make eArmenia more stronger, more safer and more secured for the future

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Thanks for the Future!

11 Ziua 3,107, 12:55 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said this morning that the ALP increased its membership to 10 people, making the ALP the nation's 3rd largest political party behind both the AHC and AFP. This comes after a few people in eArmenia started to launched

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