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The ALP Needs Your Help in Making eArmenia Secured for the Future!

0 Ziua 3,144, 17:56 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP wants to become a truly professional political party that will serve the needs of citizens living in our wonderful place(eArmenia), however with the troubles and scandals that heavily unfairly crippled the ALP's reputation in serving the

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The ALP Calls Off Merger with the AHC!!

1 Ziua 3,143, 15:49 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP's leader, Anthony have decided this afternoon to call off its proposed merger with the now-banned AHC so that in a effort for the ALP to distance itself from the AHC and to become a truly professional political party. That comes after the

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ALP-AHC Merger Updates & Regarding the Examiner

10 Ziua 3,141, 05:30 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The Armenian Labour Party and the AHC has allowed Anthony to be the new party leader of the new ALP. However, the 2 soon-to-be merged political parties will choose someone from the AHC to be Vice President of the new ALP. While other positions for

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Anthony Starts His 1st Ever Meeting with the LGBT Community Today!

6 Ziua 3,140, 18:15 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP's leader, Anthony have announced that he will start his 1st ever meeting with the nation's LGBT community today so that in a effort for the ALP to start serving all races of eArmenia and to become a marketable and mainstream political party

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Anthony Named as The Official LGBT Leader by the AFP!

7 Ziua 3,138, 15:56 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The ALP's leader, Anthony have announced this afternoon that he will become the official ambassador/leader of the nation's small but emerging LGBT community so that he can protect the LGBT community from hate, prejudice and discrimination. In

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