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A vote, so to speak

15 Ziua 357, 04:55 Publicat în Norway Norway

Hello norwegian comrades. I would like to thank you in advance for reading this article. I wanted to hold a vote, on who here supports, and who doesn't support the Russian Revolution. You're president spake of "not enough congressmen.."... which is

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The War has started..

11 Ziua 356, 14:31 Publicat în USA USA

Due to the recent start of the Revolution, I'll be leaving the country and coming back. I urge freedom fighters and american forces to support this, the Norwegians can't help. Gogogo! Fight for the motherland! And I'm still ambassador. And This

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New Russian Ambassador

9 Ziua 355, 17:08 Publicat în USA USA

Good evening everybody. I, Heymans, was put in place as the Ambassador to the eUSA, from eRussia today. Ok, first thing you're thinking, right now: How the hell does a occupied country, have an ambassador. Easy answer. The Red Resistance Front (RRF)

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