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MEK Stars week 32

37 Ziua 3,023, 01:55 Publicat în Serbia Serbia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

MEK Stars is open to all eWorld!
MEK Stars is for everyone!

In the last week we had no winner


The winning bet should be 9 & 11.

The prize would

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MEK Stars week 31

31 Ziua 3,016, 01:42 Publicat în Serbia Serbia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

MEK Stars is open to all eWorld!
MEK Stars is for everyone!

In the last week we had a winner

He had the winning bet on 3 & 9.

The prize has

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MEK Stars week 30

39 Ziua 3,007, 03:11 Publicat în Serbia Serbia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

MEK Stars is open to all eWorld!
MEK Stars is for everyone!

In the last week we didn't had a winner

No one has bet on 2 & 5.

The prize would have been 660cc

If you wanna be the next winner please place your bet following the

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MEK Stars week 29

37 Ziua 3,002, 04:19 Publicat în Serbia Serbia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

MEK Stars is open to all eWorld!
MEK Stars is for everyone!

In the last week we had ONE winner - Hediondu

His prize would have been 1988cc.

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MEK Work: new rules

14 Ziua 2,999, 03:38 Publicat în Serbia Serbia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

MEK has, for a long time, a community of workers that gathered to benefit from it.

We reached a point that we had 5 type of workers which for each time they work receive:
- Helping Han😛 Works only to help MEK Distribution. Salary 8cc;

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