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Aeriala for CP, Jan 5th

12 Ziua 1,129, 13:54 Publicat în Canada Canada

I felt a longer version was in order as I introduced myself to the race. So here goes as this will be the basis of my campaign.

First order of business is to review and fix our MPP list. This doesn't have to mean returning to what we had before

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I can into CP?

18 Ziua 1,126, 15:53 Publicat în Canada Canada

I don't want to get to into this before Christmas so just a short to do list

1. Run for CP
2. Win
3. Reexamine our MPP list
4. Reevaluate our tax base system, changes are due.
5. Get back to working on constitution reforms and fixing our law

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This isn't my CP Platform, part 4

12 Ziua 1,109, 18:25 Publicat în Canada Canada

As we head into this race I can only say one thing.

Now I know there are two groups on this, the ones that say I'm so active, and the ones that say I'm just a slacker trying

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This isn't my CP Platform, part 3

3 Ziua 1,104, 18:00 Publicat în Canada Canada

As we run closer into the primaries 1 question keeps popping up nonstop. Why? Why would anyone run for CP? Why even believe such a goal is possible?

That is all.

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This isn't my CP Platform, part 2

19 Ziua 1,102, 06:19 Publicat în Canada Canada

Lately there has been much talk about accountability and transparency. I of course have the solutions to these problems but I won't be implimenting them since I'm not running. This is merely a way to answer the questions I get on a daily basis. So

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