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Oh Canada Where art Thou (2pAd)

4 Ziua 1,338, 19:15 Publicat în Canada Canada Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Things are getting dire with keeping Canada on the map so let's keep this simple.

When it looks bad just remember a simple trick


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Myself, CSD, My Friends in Terra and the War

14 Ziua 1,335, 09:40 Publicat în Canada Canada Analiză militară Analiză militară

Yesterday I had some fun in this game, as unlikely as it sounds. OK I made my own fun and went on a tanking spree. Reflecting on yesterdays events it made me think though about how certain things are done in the game being that we are in a gigantic

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Tomorrow We Know if it's Possible

19 Ziua 1,332, 17:20 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

On the eve of PP elections a tough choice is sat before us. Who will become the PP of the MDP. Canada has alot of problems right now that there a group fighting for.

Who should you vote for? Well a good question to ask youself is who has fought

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MDP and A New Tomorrow

11 Ziua 1,327, 05:09 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

I guess there is no secret I've placed my name for PP of the MDP which has been by my opponents promptly called a PTO attempt. Lets take a moment to examine this.

In the past couple months the strategy of the 'Dictator' has had but one purpose,

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Welcome to Poland

18 Ziua 1,315, 19:41 Publicat în Canada Canada Analiză militară Analiză militară

Against all best advice and planning the CP of eCanada has decided to make every move in the wrong direction. Apparently alliance advice means nothing and our gov't wants to sell our country out to pursue it's own plans and invite more enemy nations

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