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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

A beginner's guide to the monetary market

7 Ziua 2,193, 02:36 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

This article discusses the currency market. Some people spend a lot of time there, others have never visited. This is a beginner’s guide to the exchange market.

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[Dept of Finance] Market Review

8 Ziua 2,186, 21:27 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

This market review is prepared by the eAustralian Dept of Finance. Depending on how successful this is (measured by your votes, shouts and comments) it may become a regular … citește în continuare »

[Dept of Finance] Sept-October 2012 Budget

3 Ziua 1,761, 02:12 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

Infin has handed down the Government's Budget. It was a difficult Budget as eAustralia is currently wiped and Infin has worked hard to ensure our military and foreign affairs citește în continuare »

Final report on Februrary Budget

8 Ziua 1,570, 05:05 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

Budget for Feb is now final.

We had 352 new citizens (average 11 per day)

We renewed 15 of 15 budgeted MPP's (1 was free) to give us 16 in total:

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Budget Update February 2012

3 Ziua 1,560, 00:57 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The budget for February is coming along as predicted.

We have had 235 new citizens (average 11 per day)

We have renewed 12 of the 15 budgeted MPP's (2 were free):

South Africa

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