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[MoD] Battle orders for day 2.727

9 Ziua 2,727, 09:26 Publicat în Japan Japan Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

Dear citizens of eJapan, i want give thanks to all of you on good work.

[img][/img] … citește în continuare »

Introduction article of new MoD team for May / Battle orders for day 2.726

15 Ziua 2,726, 09:25 Publicat în Japan Japan Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

Dear citizens of eJapan, MoD team for this month will try to continue with good work. Sinon and El Fat Padre will do their best
Please folow orders and dont forget that war with … citește în continuare »

[MoD] Battle orders for day 2, 713 | FIGHT FOR DICTATORSHIP

32 Ziua 2,713, 00:37 Publicat în Japan Japan Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

Citizens of eJapan,

government and Ministry of Defence are organizing inner military coup to prevent all future TO military coups like the one few days ago. Bellow are the … citește în continuare »

[MoD] Japan won this campaign ! Democracy preserved !

65 Ziua 2,710, 09:46 Publicat în Japan Japan Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

Public announcement

Consequences of military coup against democracy in eJapan and her legitimate government, started by domestic traitors supported by huge number of international … citește în continuare »

[MoD] Battle orders for day 2, 709 / FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY

32 Ziua 2,709, 19:57 Publicat în Japan Japan Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

Dear citizens, friends and allies of eJapan,

INTERNATIONAL military coup started in eJapan. Stability of our country is in danger. Small group of japanese TRAITORS, … citește în continuare »