Ambient pornit/oprit

31-8-09 DAY 650 ALIZEE OU MORT

29 Ziua 650, 01:16 Publicat în France France

8:00 A.M. suena la alarma del zapatófono, y me despierto entre putas y olor a estupefacientes... llevabamos dos días encerrados en un jodido burdel (La Cocotxa Feliz) en algun punto de a saber qué carretera entre Asturias y Galicia, en pleno

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10 Ziua 649, 23:27 Publicat în France France

RW in Asturias? oh la la, it was in Catalonia!!!

Gabachos you fail again, but don't worry, you can fight in there too, and fail.

[img]http://www.[/img] … citește în continuare »

Greek girls

11 Ziua 649, 15:01 Publicat în France France

Mon dieu! Aegean Islands are under attack! poor greek people 🙁


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Slavonia Girls

7 Ziua 649, 14:56 Publicat în France France

Croatia c'est under attacké! magnifique! battez in Slavonia!!!


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California Girls

6 Ziua 649, 14:53 Publicat în France France

California c'est under attacké! battez there!

Well east coast girls are hip
I really dig those styles they wear
And the southern girls with the way they talk
They knock me out when Im down

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