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The Main Reason Why eSlovenia Is So Awesome

40 Dia 998, 11:14 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia

Well their country name says it all.


They have lotsa love to offer .

Request you to spend a minute to see the beautiful scenery.


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Hey eFrance / eUk Lets Gangbang eCanada With The Activated MPP's

43 Dia 998, 11:10 Publicado em France France


Well Admins has been kind enough to eCanada

6 High Stone Region
2 High Oil Region
2 High Titanium Region
2 High Grain Region

Wew 12 High Regions

Yes 12 Regions


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Hey eIreland! Who Stole Your Pot Of Gold?

52 Dia 997, 09:57 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

A Leprechaun guarding his pot of gold.

Then eIreland decided to install a defense system in
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The Concept Of Training Wars Is Dead

22 Dia 997, 00:49 Publicado em Argentina Argentina

Remeber the Old days where smaller countries (in terms of population) like eSingapore, eMalaysia, eChile, eColombia, eVenezuela, eThailand, etc conducted training wars among themselves to keep the fun and excitement and also gain experience.


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Ostin: I Got My Profile Back

33 Dia 996, 20:37 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

Thanks to Phanis i got the profile back.. he was kind enough to give me the password after hacking it.

I sent tickets admins two days ago and email also the correct address and even gave them the info of my hacked account but two days passed away

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