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With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

It'll come...just wait...

1 Dia 705, 12:21 Publicado em USA USA ambitions for congress and president had failed and I really do not know why. I didn't run for this congress, but for the one previously. I lost to someone who makes random proposals and now, some people are winning with only 2 votes. How

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DAY 700 is my (real life) BDay!

2 Dia 698, 16:01 Publicado em USA USA

Day 700 of the new world is my RL birthday! Sweet!

Vote it up Just cuz I'm not writing some crazy/political stuff!

(And it's going to be my birthday. Does anyone else have a birthday on that day?)

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Another realization

0 Dia 686, 20:10 Publicado em USA USA

I used to be a conformist who laughed at the Russians for allying with PEACE-GC.

Well, I've had a thought, if we want to win over Russia to get them to join us. shouldn't we be less "make abusive comments and say that Russians FAIL" and more of "

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PEACE and FORTIS/EDEN, the rules of human nature still apply

5 Dia 685, 20:16 Publicado em USA USA

There has been so much conflict in here it seems about which side is better: PEACE, or FORTIS/EDEN. Everyone seems to love to pick a side and duke it out...

But I ask you: Is there a greater reason as to why we bicker and accuse, criticize and

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Umm...Me? President? Not today...

3 Dia 681, 14:29 Publicado em USA USA

Well, anyway, I've joined the US army and my first orders were to move to Finland. Which means I can't run for president. I'm sorry you guys...

And that's all I have to say for now. 🙁


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