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With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

A Reasonable, Choate Case for Re-Election

6 Dia 2,597, 23:02 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Polish CP goes back to square one and thinks about his imperialist hero, while ler mais »

New Congress and Immigration policy

9 Dia 2,593, 22:36 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Greetings my Czech friends,

After further deliberation on what our immigration policy should be and whether decision making on … ler mais »

The 6 Types of Congressional Presentations in a Nutshell

7 Dia 2,587, 18:26 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

1.) No presentation

You're too cool and well regarded to … ler mais »

How to run for Congress

3 Dia 2,584, 12:45 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Edit: We have more than 30 people running for Congress! That is some excellent activity yo 2 ez. Keep running on the parties ler mais »

I, for one, welcome our new Argentinian neighbors

8 Dia 2,582, 17:55 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais


na sheldanou to the polish nation

Warm regards,
[IMG][/img] … ler mais »